Design Implies Purpose!

The following is a section of the Supplemental Essay II, “Creation and Evolution,” in Volume One of the Blueprint for a Revolutiion.

A Lesson To Learn From This: Design Means Purpose

By the time you were born you were yoked to and inhabiting the most complex machine known to exist in the entire universe, a human body! Your parents did not create it; they merely participated in a miraculous process that had been passed down to them from the first humans’ Creator. And if you are convinced that you are the product of a more brilliant design and engineering than is possible for human brilliance to achieve, then it ought to be obvious that your purpose for being alive corresponds to the depth of that design.

What do I mean? Imagine that you came upon an exquisitely designed $140,000 Maserati Gran Turismo convertible parked at someone’s home, supposedly one of the most elegant automobiles in existence. And then you noticed that the car was being used as a giant flowerpot, having several feet of dirt filled with various kinds of beautiful flowers. Even though the flowers were indeed lovely, what would your reaction be?

Or suppose you called for a taxi to take you downtown, and a wingless Learjet showed up and drove you there on the local road? What would your reaction be?

For both automobile and airplane examples, you would conclude that someone is putting some marvelous examples of engineering to a silly use. Their poor use was not in harmony with their engineered purpose for being.

Now shift to your own marvelously engineered human body. The level of engineering of your body tells you something about your purpose. A chimpanzee’s engineering, as brilliant as it is, was designed to create a more primitive existence than ours. We share some similar design with them: we eat, sleep, reproduce, create tools and also need community for companionship and for survival. But chimpanzees show no signs of abstract thought, creating music, the desire to fulfill some “destiny,” wondering where they came from, hoping or dreaming or planning for the future, nor do they consciously judge things to be morally good or evil. Our capacity for these things is the result of a design and engineering that enables us to be humans – human as God defines “human.” We were clearly designed to be more than merely smarter versions of chimpanzees.

This may seem to you to be belaboring the obvious, but it is actually quite important. That is because the great majority of us human beings are, in fact, merely living as smarter versions of chimpanzee, like Maseratis being used as flowerpots. Our loving Creator designed us for much greater depth of thinking, sensitivity, purpose, and creativity than the vast majority of us are living out. His idea of “salvation” includes, but is far more than, what we consider to be “religious.” His Pentecostal Holy Spirit works to restore us to all that God had created in chapter one of Genesis. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Our Creator want us to be fully human, fulfilling all of the design that is built into us. Our bodily engineering tells us all that.

The purpose and importance of entering into our own Pentecost is more than what we think of as “religious.” Being united to our Creator and His Holy Spirit includes enjoying the righteous, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit, but He also works to integrate within us “the powers of the age to come” (Hebrews 6:5 NASB). Like any good earthly father, He want His version of “the very best” for the child He has brought into this world. And our engineered design helps teach that, no? Your brilliant design screams out to you that the reason you exist is to enter into the kind of relationship with your Creator for which He has designed and created you!


                                     Evolutionary theory is viciously anti-human!


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