The Intelligence of God

The Intelligence of God

According to the evolutionary, god-less world: the universe just “happened” into its current form, because of pre-existing agents of change: nuclear reactions, gravity, movement of air and water, freezing/thawing, chemical attraction and repulsion, and other factors.

However, if the universe WAS designed, the designer would have had to possess a brilliance that is beyond our ability to even measure that brilliance!

Let’s design a simple solar system: the designer would have to create a star at the center, as a heat and energy generator, design planets of varying size, mass, and rotating/revolving speed so that they are far enough away from the star so as not to get drawn into it, and can create a regular orbit around that star. They must also not be so far away that they can slip away from the rest of the planets in that solar system. The math and physics must be very, VERY advanced in order to create the formulas that would make this theoretically possible, and then engineer that knowledge into the actual planets. And as the inventor of nuclear engineering, He had to figure out how to fine tune the strength of the star’s nuclear fusion so as to provide enough energy to the planets, but without melting them. And the same brilliance would be needed to keep those planets far enough from each other so that gravity would not be able to make them crash into each other. No human being or team of human beings have ever manifested that degree of knowledge in physics and mathematics.

The creator might also have created that solar system to accomplish more than to just have a bunch of rocks spinning around the star for no particular reason. And if you were going to make one of those planets unique in such a way that it could support “life,” then some of the other planets you created might need to be designed in such a way that they could “run interference” for that planet, to act in the way that football’s defensive blockers are positioned in order to protect the quarterback from such aggressive invaders as asteroids and comets: even greater complexity of brilliance in physics and math needed! Is your brain hurting yet?

Now think about that special planet’s design and creation: in order to be able to support life, ecological systems needed to be designed in order to “organ-ize” all those living creatures, so that each can survive because of help from the others: like plants exhaling oxygen that living non-plants can inhale, and those animals exhaling carbon-dioxide that plants can inhale; or plants providing food for bees which, in turn, pollinate those plants and enable the plants to reproduce. SO much planning and calculating and engineering to create very, very complicated systems, whose citizens are living creatures. Some of those living creatures will be smaller or larger than others. Some will move mostly in the air, mostly on or under the ground, or mostly on or under the water. And each different creature has to have its own design: water creatures, land creatures and air-born creatures have to have different bone structures, brain structures, blood circulation systems, breathing systems and navigational systems. What an ENORMOUS database of designs has to be stored within the mind of this designer, FAR beyond the capacity of the most brilliant of human beings!

And then there is the knowledge and engineering skills needed to enable designed creatures to BE “alive.” Complicate living creatures need to be able to reproduce themselves in order for those creatures to last for longer than a single generation.

So, each COMPLICATED living creature will have to be composed of billions of SIMPLE living creatures. Those simple living creatures are now known as “cells.” And the complexity of a single cell’s design and functioning makes a space shuttle’s design seem like something built out of Legos! And try to invent a space shuttle that can reproduce itself by doing its own blueprint designing, mining, manufacturing!

And that creator had to be able to store with His mind the entire “blueprint” of the details of each cell, and how they would work together with other cells, and all the semi-infinite details of things like nervous systems, circulator systems, auditory, vision, hearing and touch systems; blood coagulation systems, balance systems, reproductive systems, how to create a smile, how to formulate and remember an “idea,” how to distinguish the color red from the color green, how to break down a peanut or a potato into the raw chemical constituents needed to provide energy and nutrition for each cell; how to pair a mineral with a particular vitamin which would create a specific shape that would unlock a special entry point in a cell and allow them both to enter and one to escape back into the blood stream.

What has been described above is so VERY much easier to understand than the real stars, planets, eco-systems and living things. But this relatively simple description barely scratches the surface of what is REALLY going on. Do you “get the picture”? Are you beginning to need an aspirin yet?

So, IF this universe HAD been designed, that designer would have had to be able to store more facts held within His “brain” and possess more creative power than the entire human RACE has been able to accumulate since that race began.

And yet, our schools have bombarded us for over a century with stories about how all of this could be accomplished by mindless natural processes (as mentioned above) whose combined IQ is SUB-idiotic: actually, “Mother Nature’s” IQ is a big fat ZERO! Mother nature is EXCEEDING stupid as a creator: she is capable to turning a jagged rock into a smooth rock by running water over it for several centuries; that is what an IQ of zero can accomplish. For people who live in the “real world,” to take seriously that poor old Mother Nature could generate a cosmos, a functional solar system, an eco-system, or a SINGLE cell is something that only a psychotic Walt Disney could imagine possible, even if you give her an INFINITY of time in which to accomplish it!


But the reason I am writing all of this to you actually has nothing to do with science. It is about the Scriptures.

If you accept that the Scriptures are “inspired” by God, then be very sure to understand that they were the product of the very same God who had the brilliance that was described above. If you are reading the Old Testament stories that describe those “pre-scientific” humans who were fighting with bows and arrows, swords and spears; shooting rocks propelled by slings; and riding things pulled by horses – when you are reading in that inspired book about such “primitive” people be very sure to keep it in your consciousness that the One who was talking to those chosen but relatively “primitive” people, in order to get them to record what you are reading, was the genius described above. They did not have to know or even understand what they were writing down!

The  Creator’s genius included the ability to also know the secrets within in every individual’s heart, and the ability to know in detail what men were going to accomplish long before they ever thought of doing it. And so, He was able to cause His chosen “primitive” human writers to write in such a way so that both the pre-scientific people of that age AND the most brilliant scientists of our day can be guided by what He wanted them and us to know.

Never, NEVER assume that you need to “update” your understanding or interpretation of the Old or New Testaments so as to make its contents more acceptable to our “superior” age. What He described back then speaks more than adequately to the most brilliant of scholars or scientists of our day. Those “primitives” may have been very much simpler in their knowledge than we are, but the Genius who was speaking to them and causing them to write was the inventor of nuclear fusion; He invented gravity and mathematics, spherical geometry, physics, biology and chemistry; and He had SPOKEN things into existence – and much, much more that we have YET to discover! You are reading HIS work, not theirs!!!!!


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