Step One – Cyber Warfare:
I just finished watching a very eye-opening and disturbing documentary made in 2016 called “Zero Days.” It is mostly about the discovery in 2010 of by FAR the most powerful and destructive computer virus, named “Stuxnet,” that had been known to that point in time. It was geared for cyber warfare and, after painstaking technical research, eventually discovered to have been created by the intelligence agencies of the United State, England, and Israel (and perhaps others). It was a virus that attacked only one piece of computer-directed machinery, that had been developed and used in Iran to control their centrifuges used in separating and enriching the nuclear material needed for their nuclear weapons development (which, of course, they denied they were doing). The virus was so sophisticated that it was able to decide where and when to spread itself throughout the Iranian highly secure interconnected computerized networks all by itself, without humans needing to do something to help it spread (e.g, insert an infected thumb drive into an uninfected computer. It was being used successfully, along with other viruses, to cause lethal explosions throughout Iran that disabled their nuclear program for a time. It caused the moving parts within those centrifuges to override their control settings and spin uncontrollably until they exploded.
The part of this documentary that pertains to this essay is that in the process of enhancing the Stuxnet virus it accidentally spread itself computer by computer throughout the entire planet, rather than stay within Iran. The spreading process went undiscovered until it was discovered in an infected computer in Russia. It then turned out to be horribly realized by its developers that ANYONE who could break into it and gain control over the virus could use it against the very nations who had developed it! This introduces us to the horrifying concept that all of the interconnected and computerized power grids, production industries, communication networks and intelligence networks throughout the entire technically advanced WORLD can actually be either confused, crippled, rendered functionally worthless or even destroyed. The Chinese might be able to do it on their enemies – but so could the North Koreans, the Americans, the Russians, the Iranians, the Israelies, the Venezuelans, or some little “banana republic” about whom nobody has ever heard of. All of the powerful military equipment and weapons of mass destruction could be rendered useless or even nonexistent overnight by all the technically advanced nations when something caused them to all push their “release the virus button” in a moment of panic! If you are not thoroughly at rest in the hands of Him who “declares the end from the beginning,” I can understand why you might want to change to pants about now!
What does this cyber warfare potential destiny have to do with the “end of days” into which we certainly MUST be entering? Just hang on for a few minutes!
Step Two – Genetic Engineering
It is in our own day that we have been reading quite regularly about the science of “genetic engineering” – how everything that has life is being examined and modified at the molecular, DNA level. Vegetables and fruits are a seemingly innocuous version of the science. Strains of wheat, for example, have been engineered so that countries whose soil and precipitation have not been able to grow it now can do so. I even read about tomatoes that are being genetically modified so that they grow up as cube-shaped, making them easier to pack for shipping!
But since that “cloning” of Dolly the sheep in England in 1995 the science of genetic engineering is now advancing, even galloping, into the possibility of significantly altering the appearance, the function, the meat quality, the reproductive rate, of numerous animals. The idea of even merging aspects of several animals together is on the drawing board! If you want a very graphical depiction of that process, you can watch any of the several versions of “Jurassic Park” available!
But, alas, modern science is also tragically and dangerously represented by the same kind of human beings that were the experimental researchers and surgeons who “advanced” medical science by their ghastly experiments conducted by the Nazis upon the helpless prisoners within their concentration camps. Novels and movies have already been created, depicting how genetic engineering has been trying to make apes who are stronger than us humans to become merged in various degrees with us humans, to make them more intelligent and capable of a greater variety of more complicated tasks, supposedly so that we can just sit around and derive the benefit of THEIR labors! (Ever seen “Planet of the Apes”?).
Well, how does this genetic engineering pertain to the “end of days” into which we certainly MUST be entering? Here we go…
Step three – The End of Days:
I started reading the Book of Revelation and Old Testament eschatological prophesy in the 1960’s, but have never desired to become professionally competent in that Spirit-inspired literature. I do not attempt to interpret the meaning and timing of the various visions given to John in the “Revelation.” As I understand it, Interpretive Prophecy is DELIBERATELY obscured (or “locked”) for us by God Himself, so that it can remain largely useless to everyone except for those who will being going through those particular days it describes (Daniel 13:8ff is a great example of that process – even the prophet who was GIVEN the visions did not know its meaning!)
For us who are in the “here and now” God’s predictive eschatological prophesy simply gives us hope about WHO is in real charge in what the world considers to be “HUMAN history”, and who wins in the end. At that appropriate critical eschatological time it will be unlocked for THEM (and who can possibly know HOW it will be done, but God!). When unlocked, those prophesies will provide both the same comforting hope as it does for us now, but also will provide more detailed information to understand and respond properly to what is happening around them. So I highly recommend that you forget about trying to predict who that “666” applies to (Revelation 13:16ff)! God is better at locking than you are at unlocking!
To me, God’s eschatological prophets describe that our supposedly “human” history is actually a THREE-stranded rope, with each of the three event-creating strands being different in diameter. The diameter of each strand reflects the power that each “player” has in determining and controlling historical events and their outcomes. And each larger strand can use the events created by a lesser strand to its own advantage. The human strand is actually the decisively smallest of the three, Satan’s strand being significantly larger, more powerful, and the strand belonging to the Creator and Lord of History being far larger and more powerful than the other two combined!
During World War Two, the Nazi’s occupied France. In order to defeat them, the Allies invaded France and had to drive the Nazis out of each French village. That scenario creates a rough analogy of these three strands: The French citizens were the smallest strand, the Nazi’s a much larger one, and the larger and more powerful Allies the largest strand of all. The French (“human event makers”), with their pitchforks and rifles were not the decisive event makers in determining the outcome of the gigantic conflict being fought between the Axis and Allied giants. All the French citizen or peasant could do is decide which giant to use their pitchforks and rifles to support in the struggle between giants! In our three stranded “human” history, no matter what the other two participants decide and do, He who has been “declaring the end from the beginning” (Isaiah 46:10), makes SURE to redirect or overrule their works in order to accomplish HIS goals. We humans are similar to those French peasants with heir pitchforks! It really isn’t “OUR history” at all, IS it?!
The Book of Revelation is populated with strange looking creatures and warring methods that seem totally inappropriate to our level of scientific knowledge and technical advancement. Read the following:
Revelation 9 “5 The locusts were not given permission to kill them, but only to torture them for five months, and their torture was like that of a scorpion when it stings a person. 6 In those days people will seek death, but will not be able to find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them. 7 Now the locusts looked like horses equipped for battle. On their heads were something like crowns similar to gold, and their faces looked like men’s faces. 8 They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. 9 They had breastplates like iron breastplates, and the sound of their wings was like the noise of many horse-drawn chariots charging into battle.”
Grasshoppers with stingers like scorpions, with human looking faces, long hair, predator teeth, and somewhat armored? All the books I read back then were trying to figure out the “obvious” symbolism in those locusts, faces, stingers, hair, teeth and armor. And I also always assumed that these details were symbols of something other than the details themselves.
And now to that kind of eschatological warfare:
9:15 “Then the four angels who had been prepared for this hour, day, month, and year were set free to kill a third of humanity. 16 The number of soldiers on horseback was two hundred million; I heard their number. 17 Now this is what the horses and their riders looked like in my vision: The riders had breastplates that were fiery red, dark blue, and sulfurous yellow in color. The heads of the horses looked like LIONS’ heads, and fire, smoke, and sulfur came out of their mouths. 18 A third of humanity was killed by these three plagues, that is, by the fire, the smoke, and the sulfur that came out of their mouths. 19 For the power of the horses resides in their mouths and in their tails, because their tails are like SNAKES, having heads that inflict injuries.”
Surely that vision shows how limited this supposedly divinely-caused vision to first century technology? Warfare using HORSES? So the clever search for symbolism tries to come to the rescue. The individual “horses” were clearly symbols of things like our “tanks!” And the snake-like tails of the smokey, sulphury horses’ mouths were imaginary “Buck Rogers” imaginary weapons!
Are you beginning to the potential connection between cyber warfare viruses, genetic engineering and the end of days?
Perhaps those strange and cryptic grasshoppers, horses and crazy ways of conducting warfare are NOT so strange, cryptic and symbolic after all!!!
What if what is being described by God is a world-wide humanity whose technology has been so crippled and destroyed that it has been thrown back into a technological “stone age” by too much technological cleverness seen in such Stuxnet computer viruses? All of the computer-controlled factories, drones, aircraft, tanks, satellites, canons, night-vision equipment were now rendered useless as nations, organizations or even individuals pushed their “release the virus button.” Human ambition still needs to kill and conquer, so they just grab what is left – the traditional vehicle known and used throughout human history!
But before that computerized technology had been rendered non-existent, the arrogant scientific genetic engineering that could produce bastardized creatures “simply because we COULD” had actually created MANY such hideous creatures in various secret laboratories. And some of those “experiments” managed to escape their prisons back into the open air and started reproducing far beyond any intended controls?
I am not trying to convince you that this scenario is actually what IS going to be incarnated. But, given our arrogant human nature, our knowledge without wisdom, our listening to the creative and cunning whisperings of a spirit who hates and mocks us, and our intelligentsia’s lust for “name recognition” that motivate the production of such monsters, “simply because we COULD” – given all of that, that scenario has become to me over the years, a more and more surprisingly accurate, and merely HISTORICAL description of what the human world will be seeing in “end of days” into which we certainly MUST be entering?
What do YOU think?