Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome. My name is Reed K. Merino, author of Blueprint for a Revolution: Building Upon ALL of The New Testament! I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and…


CYBER WARFARE, GENETIC ENGINEERING , AND THE END OF DAYS! Step One – Cyber Warfare: I just finished watching a very eye-opening and disturbing documentary made in 2016 called “Zero Days.” It is mostly about the discovery in 2010 of by FAR the most…

To Truly Love Nature, You Must See its Creator!

ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE “Your attitude of gratitude should be commensurate with the value of the gift!” For my high school graduation my parents paid for my school ring. Since many other parents did that in ADDITION to a graduate present, my “attitude of gratitude”…

God Role in Your OWN Salvation

A FB friend posted this question in response to an essay I had posted: “Reed, do you believe in limited atonement.” That “limited atonement” is a teaching that Christ only came to save SPECIFIC people – His “elect.” Among Christians who delight in arguing…


ARE YOU “FILTERING” OR “ORGANIZING” THE TEACHING OF JESUS? Every morning I make a thermos of my favorite Chinese Puerh loose tea. After letting it steep in boiling water for about three minutes I pour it though my strainer, pollute it with honey and…

Pentecost is for Today and for YOU!

A Letter About Pentecost Sunday I attended an Anglican church this morning with a friend, to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. I had been talking and studying with him about the New Testament teaching that “Pentecost” is an event that is supposed to be a part…

He was SERIOUS when He said “This is my body…”

I do encourage you to let it be the Lord Jesus who guides you in this matter, and I pray that you earnestly seek for Him to do so, in the same intensity with which you probably did when praying about that “baptism in…

“If YOU don’t kill yourself, then I’ll have to do it FOR you!”

“If YOU don’t kill yourself, then I’ll have to do it FOR you!”   “38 You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I tell you not to resist an evil person….

Are All Versions of the New Testament Equally Reliable?

THE IMPORTANCE OF A LEGITIMATE TRANSLATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Most versions of the New Testament and Bible teachers declare something like, “No matter WHAT version of the New Testament you use, no substantial doctrine will be affected by it.” That statement is largely…

Faith alone, Works alone, Faith AND Works?

A new and young friend asked for my input about the issue of faith and works as they pertain to salvation. Here is my reply: *********************************************************************** You wrote, ‘…some people claim, “salvation by faith alone”, but they didn’t seem to consider scriptures where we…

Honoring Incomplete Christians Who Went Before Us

Honoring Incomplete Christians Who Went Before Us   In our FB discussion groups dealing with restoring the Church to her original condition, there are obviously a number of you who highly critical of what you see within Christendom today. And you can count me…